The Radical Intellect is a social, political, and satirical blog and public forum developed by several like-minded, run-of-the-mill American observationalists. Together, we collectively desired a platform for free speech that is independent of the overarching preclusive confines imposed by big tech and social media companies. Founded in 2023, our aim is to explore a multitude of prevalent topics, rip apart illogical arguments, and analyze every facet of controversial issues, all with the intention of nurturing intellectually rousing discussions between our registered members. Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of our philosophies, political inclinations, and motivations.
Let’s talk about the the emoji faces…
Those are selfies of what we really look like. Just picture Block Man: a giant angry red concrete block, sitting in front of a computer, typing articles for some website. In all seriousness, we could say that the avatars represent each columnist’s individuality, or, they are associated with the subject matter that is being written, or, they are just avatars with no specific purpose. Regardless, who we really are isn’t important. This is an outlet, nothing more. We have careers and other interests so the quest for interwebs fame isn’t exactly on our to-do list. If you want to know more, come meet the gang.

If we believe in free speech, then what exactly does this so-called free speech entail?
If you’re at least somewhat educated on the U.S. Constitution, you’d know that the First Amendment prohibits any illegal suppression of the people’s right to free speech (including hate speech), journalism, religion, and peaceful protest by local, municipal, county, state, or federal governmental entities. While this doesn’t apply to the private sector (for stupid people that means anything that is not the government), we proudly embrace and institute the principles of the First Amendment on our website, with the obvious exceptions of spam and anything the First Amendment does not protect (i.e., threats, illegal content, etc.).
While we have no qualms about members citing their opinions about a particular culture, race, religion, ideology, or sexual orientation, etc., we discourage the use of racial slurs outside the context of a quote. Otherwise, hurl disagreements, cuss, and insult us and others all you want. We don’t need to ban anyone. It’s called thick skin and a rebuttal for a reason. For reference, check out our discussion guidelines.
Where we stand politically…
Does it really matter? Depending on what we’re writing about, we’ll most likely be labeled whichever political ideology is in opposition to those who disagree with us. We have accepted that many people on the internet habitually judge a book by its cover, even in spite of any exposition to the contrary, so disclosing our individual political and ideological views outright is pointless. If people rebuff common sense because it doesn’t fall within the confines of their particular ideological region on some stupid left-right spectrum, they’re pretty much a lost cause.
Think of us as apolitical observers of American politics and society, therefore what actually matters to us is reality, common sense, the truth, and freedom of speech. Period. But if you’re just dying to know anything, well, we haven’t been particularly fond of any of the politicians running this country for say, the last thirty or so years. Quite frankly, politics have become a virulent pissing contest of rhetoric.

But…but…what about the media? What about what Wikipedia says?
They’re all full of shit. Surprise? It’s hard to take any major news network serious, especially at the rate celebrity anchors are getting fired for sexual misconduct. The larger news media corporations report subjective, politically biased stories that only paint one side of the picture. Whatever happened to simply reporting the news? And yeah, that’s correct. We even lumped Wikipedia in with these losers because never have we read a Wikipedia article without some subjective nonsense plastered all over each page. We even have an entire column dedicated to finding biases and inaccuracies portrayed by the media (Here’s the Scoop).
The problem with social media…and user generated content…and Q&A platforms…
Too many people use this garbage for one and it’s impossible to civilly debate someone without some dweeb moderator’s “discretion” getting in the way. On top of that, there is so much misinformation, bias, and unwarranted prejudice on social media that it would make The Weary Man’s head explode, hence why we don’t have social media accounts. Besides, the perk of running your own website is leaving out any semblance of a report feature which is notably absent from our comments and discussion sections. Sure, starting from the ground up without the advantage of social media’s massive user base certainly presents a challenge for building an audience, but besides the occasional DDoS attack, we don’t have to worry about censorship or some trigger-happy asshole’s meaty finger hovering over the ban button.

Like hey man, join my cause…
Want to admit your child to a hospital join a cult that chemically castrates children? Want to pose as activists and destroy everything on a city block? Want to run over a bunch of protestors with a car? Want to invest in a racially motivated Ponzi scheme? Want to block an entire street and achieve absolutely nothing constructive? Nah, we’re good. It doesn’t matter if your cause is conservative or liberal, black, white, brown, or rainbow. We don’t cross the extremism line because we’re not nutjob fanatics. It’s as simple as that.
The demographic that is most important to us…
The crowd we hail from are the productive American people who work a job, care about maintaining a functioning free society, exhibit common sense, are family-oriented, aren’t easily offended, lack entitlement, and generally have very little to complain about in regards to how terrible this country supposedly is. By our own admission, we have become complacent, letting societal garbage take the reins. It’s our turn to bitch and moan and it’s been long overdue.

Reflection with a super serious tone…
The ultimate intention of this website isn’t fame, fortune, or eliciting a specific message. There are no ads, no subscription costs, paywalls, or moderators. Most importantly, we have no shame, guilt, or trepidations. What we do have is shit to say and we are going to say it. Anyone is welcome to come along for the ride and say their piece too. When or if you want to get off the ride is up to you.
Just for good measure…

The Radical Intellect is a social, political, and satirical blog and public forum developed by several like-minded, run-of-the-mill American observationalists. Together, we collectively desired a platform for free speech that is independent of the overarching preclusive confines imposed by big tech and social media companies. Founded in 2023, our aim is to explore a multitude of prevalent topics, rip apart illogical arguments, and analyze every facet of controversial issues, all with the intention of nurturing intellectually rousing discussions between our registered members. Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of our philosophies, political inclinations, and motivations.

Let’s talk about the the emoji faces…
Those are selfies of what we really look like. Just picture Block Man: a giant angry red concrete block, sitting in front of a computer, typing articles for some website. In all seriousness, we could say that the avatars represent each columnist’s individuality, or, they are associated with the subject matter that is being written, or, they are just avatars with no specific purpose. Regardless, who we really are isn’t important. This is an outlet, nothing more. We have careers and other interests so the quest for interwebs fame isn’t exactly on our to-do list. If you want to know more, come meet the gang.

If we believe in free speech, then what exactly does this so-called free speech entail?
If you’re at least somewhat educated on the U.S. Constitution, you’d know that the First Amendment prohibits any illegal suppression of the people’s right to free speech (including hate speech), journalism, religion, and peaceful protest by local, municipal, county, state, or federal governmental entities. While this doesn’t apply to the private sector (for stupid people that means anything that is not the government), we proudly embrace and institute the principles of the First Amendment on our website, with the obvious exceptions of spam and anything the First Amendment does not protect (i.e., threats, illegal content, etc.).
While we have no qualms about members citing their opinions about a particular culture, race, religion, ideology, or sexual orientation, etc., we discourage the use of racial slurs outside the context of a quote. Otherwise, hurl disagreements, cuss, and insult us and others all you want. We don’t need to ban anyone. It’s called thick skin and a rebuttal for a reason. For reference, check out our discussion guidelines.

Where we stand politically…
Does it really matter? Depending on what we’re writing about, we’ll most likely be labeled whichever political ideology is in opposition to those who disagree with us. We have accepted that many people on the internet habitually judge a book by its cover, even in spite of any exposition to the contrary, so disclosing our individual political and ideological views outright is pointless. If people rebuff common sense because it doesn’t fall within the confines of their particular ideological region on some stupid left-right spectrum, they’re pretty much a lost cause.
Think of us as apolitical observers of American politics and society, therefore what actually matters to us is reality, common sense, the truth, and freedom of speech. Period. But if you’re just dying to know anything, well, we haven’t been particularly fond of any of the politicians running this country for say, the last thirty or so years. Quite frankly, politics have become a virulent pissing contest of rhetoric.

But…but…what about the media? What about what Wikipedia says?
They’re all full of shit. Surprise? It’s hard to take any major news network serious, especially at the rate celebrity anchors are getting fired for sexual misconduct. The larger news media corporations report subjective, politically biased stories that only paint one side of the picture. Whatever happened to simply reporting the news? And yeah, that’s correct. We even lumped Wikipedia in with these losers because never have we read a Wikipedia article without some subjective nonsense plastered all over each page. We even have an entire column dedicated to finding biases and inaccuracies portrayed by the media (Here’s the Scoop).

The problem with social media…and user generated content…and Q&A platforms…
Too many people use this garbage for one and it’s impossible to civilly debate someone without some dweeb moderator’s “discretion” getting in the way. On top of that, there is so much misinformation, bias, and unwarranted prejudice on social media that it would make The Weary Man’s head explode, hence why we don’t have social media accounts. Besides, the perk of running your own website is leaving out any semblance of a report feature which is notably absent from our comments and discussion sections. Sure, starting from the ground up without the advantage of social media’s massive user base certainly presents a challenge for building an audience, but besides the occasional DDoS attack, we don’t have to worry about censorship or some trigger-happy asshole’s meaty finger hovering over the ban button.

Like hey man, join my cause…
Want to admit your child to a hospital join a cult that chemically castrates children? Want to pose as activists and destroy everything on a city block? Want to run over a bunch of protestors with a car? Want to invest in a racially motivated Ponzi scheme? Want to block an entire street and achieve absolutely nothing constructive? Nah, we’re good. It doesn’t matter if your cause is conservative or liberal, black, white, brown, or rainbow. We don’t cross the extremism line because we’re not nutjob fanatics. It’s as simple as that.

The demographic that is most important to us…
The crowd we hail from are the productive American people who work a job, care about maintaining a functioning free society, exhibit common sense, are family-oriented, aren’t easily offended, lack entitlement, and generally have very little to complain about in regards to how terrible this country supposedly is. By our own admission, we have become complacent, letting societal garbage take the reins. It’s our turn to bitch and moan and it’s been long overdue.

Reflection with a super serious tone…
The ultimate intention of this website isn’t fame, fortune, or eliciting a specific message. There are no ads, no subscription costs, paywalls, or moderators. Most importantly, we have no shame, guilt, or trepidations. What we do have is shit to say and we are going to say it. Anyone is welcome to come along for the ride and say their piece too. When or if you want to get off the ride is up to you.

Just for good measure…