1. What is the actual purpose of this website?
Since society’s sensitivity level has been dialed up to ten, it makes it difficult to post our opinions on many popular websites. The solution? Make our own website. We’re tired of all of the bullshit going on in American society. Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican, Black vs. White, rich vs. poor, this religion, that religion, straight, gay, transgender, blah blah blah. It’s almost as if people don’t even want to achieve anything remotely close to prosperity, nor do Americans realize how shitty of a situation people in some countries are in. Yet, over and over we hear how bad the United States is, accompanied by baseless fears and prejudice, often by pathetic apologetic pushovers who have never left the country and have never even come close to experiencing poverty, desperation, perpetual fear, or hopelessness.
Originally planned as solely a blog, The Great Debate was added to facilitate conversation between people with differing opinions on a multitude of issues. We’re absolutely aware that it’s not as cool and hip as social media or the big name sites but that isn’t the point.Talking directly to their oh so terrible ideological rivals allows people to understand other perspectives and perhaps feel less prejudicial towards people with differing opinions, especially on a website that encourages free speech and opposing opinions. We think, at the very least, that is more constructive than brooding about it with likeminded people who will only continually fuel the fire of doubt, hatred, and unreasonable presumptions, often towards people they never even met.
2. Who does this website belong to? Who runs it? Is it a company? Is it one of the columnists? Why don’t I see any admins?
If it hasn’t been made abundantly clear throughout the site, then allow us to clarify. The whole point of writing anonymously under the guise of some emojis is to accentuate our opinions without associating them to any known individuals, something that consequently has the potential to take focus away from the writing. Articulating our opinions and allowing our members to do the same is the bottom line.
Sure, our columnists write articles, award people with silly pins, and participate in discussions, but the folks behind the scenes who have administrative capabilities do not. They want Americans to speak out, voice their opinions, understand other perspectives, and most importantly, give people a place that encourages them to do so. That is precisely why they keep moderating out of the equation and focus primarily on maintaining the website. Beyond that, your interest in the domain name holder, the identities of our columnists, or anyone responsible for running this website is trivial and pedantic. Besides, we dig the emoji gimmick.
3. How old are the columnists? How many people are behind the scenes? How many are men and how many are women?
It’s a mixed batch but we’re not going to get into specifics. Let’s just say that we’ve all been around the block enough to have formed pretty well-established perceptions of society, human behavior, and the way the world works. We’re not too old but we’re certainly not young. And how many are we? It could be five people, ten people, or maybe one person…who is to say? Who cares?
4. Do you hate [insert group here]?
In spite of the satirical and candid nature of the articles we publish, and in exception of Block Man, we don’t, in actuality, hate anyone of a specific ideology, political party, religion, race, nationality, culture, sex, gender identity, etc. That is not what this website is about. People nowadays take dissenting opinions very personally, often becoming immediately defensive towards anyone who doesn’t share their point of view, beliefs, or subjective reality.
5. You made me very angry so I am going to dox you…or DDoS you…or cancel you…or hack your website! How do you feel about that?

The champagne of victory!
6. I share similar opinions and have experience writing. Can I become a columnist?
Yes! You can become a guest columnist. Click here for more info.
7. Can I be a forum moderator?
Absolutely not. One of the key reasons we started The Radical Intellect was to avoid the major pitfall of Reddit, Quora, and Twitter: too much moderation and censorship. Moderators are biased, often censoring posts or banning users outright because something that was said conflicts with their feelings or ideological viewpoints. This is especially impeding to discussions that a moderator is involved in, something typical of forums and sub-reddits.
Furthermore, websites such as Reddit, Quora, and Twitter, as well as many other social media platforms, have algorithms and auto-moderation that limits freedom of speech. Since we can safely self-characterize ourselves by the old sticks and stones idiom, it guarantees that our members can state their opinion, whether we agree with it or not, or participate in a discussion without any threat of post deletion or account termination.
8. Okay, but what if someone makes a threat or posts illegal content?
There is a fine line between too much moderation and no moderation. Just because we don’t have moderators policing every post doesn’t mean their isn’t any oversight. This is first and foremost a discussion website where people with different views can debate each other anonymously, without having their posts suppressed by power-tripping moderators or their identities publicized by angry nobodies. We welcome opposing views since talking about our differences is the most constructive way of finding solutions, absolving conflicts, or for therapy’s sake, just getting something out.
However, that doesn’t mean this website is the wild west, so in the event that a member exhibits threatening or criminal behavior, we can assure you that we will take appropriate steps to remove such content from our website. Additionally, you can contact an administrator and specify any relative content you deem to be threatening or illegal in nature. They will review your email and determine whether further action is necessary.
9. Why can’t I upload a custom profile picture? Why is the profile customization so limited?
This is not a social media website for members to bedazzle or upload a gallery of life events. As previously mentioned, this is primarily a public forum that allows registered members to participate in debates and critical thinking, anonymously. While we have options for members to link their social media accounts and provide additional information in their profiles, it is at their sole discretion on how much they want to disclose. This website simply wasn’t designed with detailed user personalization in mind.
10. I dig the columnist emojis. Do you have any merch for them?
No. A plush of each columnist would be fun, huh? Maybe some t-shirts? The idea has indeed crossed our minds but it is not currently in the works. Remember, The Radical Intellect isn’t some enterprise focused on monetary gain. If, however, by some chance, the demand for merch reaches a certain level, we can assure you that we will be open to member input for ideas.
11. Why is [insert country here] unavailable for selection on the registration page?
While not a political statement or meant to elicit judgement, we felt it was best to exclude countries that are generally regarded as antagonistic or hostile towards western civilization, have authoritarian/totalitarian governments, or are currently engaged in conflict. In addition, we have left out countries that strictly regulate internet use or are regarded by the United Nations as least developed, thus not having much in common with western culture or assuming them not to have a vested interest in western politics/ideology. If and when circumstances change, we will make individual countries available for selection. Additionally, you can always contact us if you think we’ve made a mistake.